My favorite areas are photography of models and photos for fashion magazines


My favorite areas are photography of models and photos for fashion magazines

Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing a fragrance bottle with a topper borrowed from a Bernie Sanders bobble head.

Well, yes and no. It is an attempt, said Amber Schaefer, a Sanders supporter, comedian and commercial director, to illustrate that Mr. Sanders has a broad support base. While the so-called Bernie Bros — the men, mostly white, who are ardent Sanders fans — get most of the attention, Ms. Schaefer’s spot aims, via a spoof of stereotypically feminine beauty

Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing a fragrance bottle with a topper borrowed from a Bernie Sanders bobble head. Well, yes and no. It is an attempt, said Amber Schaefer, a Sanders supporter, comedian and commercial director, to illustrate that Mr. Sanders has a broad support base. While the so-called Bernie Bros — the men, mostly white, who are ardent Sanders fans — get most of the attention, Ms. Schaefer’s spot aims, via a spoof of stereotypically feminine beauty

Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing a fragrance bottle with a topper borrowed from a Bernie Sanders bobble head.

Posted in Fashion
Soviets Go Home

Polska w XX wieku przeszła burzliwą historię, będąc często pomiędzy młotem a kowadłem dwóch potęg: nazistowskich Niemiec i komunistycznej Rosji. Ta wystawa opowiada o agresywnej polityce rosyjskiej wobec Polski - od chwili wkroczenia wojsk
sowieckich w 1939 roku, aż do ich ostatecznego wycofania w 1993 roku.

Poland went through a turbulent history in the 20th century, often being between a rock and a hard place of two powers: Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. This exhibition tells the story of Russia's aggressive policy towards Poland - from the moment Soviet troops entered in 1939 until their final withdrawal in 1993.