Author: admin@sovietsgohome


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Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing… Read more


Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing… Read more


Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing… Read more


Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing… Read more


Young women, and one man, in lacy white dresses cavort in slow motion in a rose-strewn field, their hair blowing softly in the breeze, caressing… Read more

Soviets Go Home

Polska w XX wieku przeszła burzliwą historię, będąc często pomiędzy młotem a kowadłem dwóch potęg: nazistowskich Niemiec i komunistycznej Rosji. Ta wystawa opowiada o agresywnej polityce rosyjskiej wobec Polski - od chwili wkroczenia wojsk
sowieckich w 1939 roku, aż do ich ostatecznego wycofania w 1993 roku.

Poland went through a turbulent history in the 20th century, often being between a rock and a hard place of two powers: Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. This exhibition tells the story of Russia's aggressive policy towards Poland - from the moment Soviet troops entered in 1939 until their final withdrawal in 1993.